
The ThirdwebProvider is component is a provider component that sets up the React Query client.


import { ThirdwebProvider } from "thirdweb/react";
function Example() {
return (
<App />
function ThirdwebProvider(
props: PropsWithChildren<{
connectionManager?: {
activeAccountStore: Store<undefined | Account>;
activeWalletChainStore: Store<
undefined | Readonly<ChainOptions & { rpc: string }>
activeWalletConnectionStatusStore: Store<ConnectionStatus>;
activeWalletStore: Store<undefined | Wallet>;
addConnectedWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
connect: (
wallet: Wallet,
) => Promise<Wallet>;
connectedWallets: ReadonlyStore<Array<Wallet>>;
defineChains: (
chains: Array<Readonly<ChainOptions & { rpc: string }>>,
) => void;
disconnectWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
handleConnection: (
wallet: Wallet,
) => Promise<Wallet>;
isAutoConnecting: Store<boolean>;
removeConnectedWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
setActiveWallet: (activeWallet: Wallet) => Promise<void>;
switchActiveWalletChain: (chain: Readonly) => Promise<void>;
): Element;


The props for the ThirdwebProvider


let props: PropsWithChildren<{
connectionManager?: {
activeAccountStore: Store<undefined | Account>;
activeWalletChainStore: Store<
undefined | Readonly<ChainOptions & { rpc: string }>
activeWalletConnectionStatusStore: Store<ConnectionStatus>;
activeWalletStore: Store<undefined | Wallet>;
addConnectedWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
connect: (
wallet: Wallet,
) => Promise<Wallet>;
connectedWallets: ReadonlyStore<Array<Wallet>>;
defineChains: (
chains: Array<Readonly<ChainOptions & { rpc: string }>>,
) => void;
disconnectWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
handleConnection: (
wallet: Wallet,
) => Promise<Wallet>;
isAutoConnecting: Store<boolean>;
removeConnectedWallet: (wallet: Wallet) => void;
setActiveWallet: (activeWallet: Wallet) => Promise<void>;
switchActiveWalletChain: (chain: Readonly) => Promise<void>;


let returnType: Element;